The Punjagutta police in Hyderabad are searching for the son of former MLA Shakeel Amir. He allegedly crashed his car into a police barricade at Praja Bhavan. The incident happened on December 24 at around 3 am. The accused was reportedly drunk and had three girls with him in the car.
When the incident occurred, the inspector on duty sent a home guard to the Punjagutta traffic police station to test the accused with a breathalyzer. It was confirmed that he had consumed alcohol. Shortly after, the accused fled the scene.
Later, police officer Abdul Asif filed a First Information Report (FIR) and registered a case against the accused under various sections of the Motor Vehicles Act, Indian Penal Code (IPC), and Prevention of Damage to Public Property Act (PDPPA).
However, it was discovered that the MLA’s son was not the person accused in the case. This led to an inquiry being ordered into the incident. The Deputy Commissioner of Police (West Zone) visited the station to investigate, and the case has now been handed over to ACP Y Venkateshwar Rao of SR Nagar division.