Prime Minister Narendra Modi will be visiting the state to campaign for the BJP in the upcoming assembly elections. He recently attended a BJP event and will now be attending another public meeting called Madigala Vishwarupa Mahasabha. This meeting is focused on an important decision regarding the classification of SC reservations, which is a priority issue in Telangana and other southern states. There are speculations that Modi may announce an increase in the reservation for STs to 9 or 10 percent based on the state’s population.
The national leadership of the party is aiming to gain support from BC, SC, and ST communities as they form a significant portion of the state’s population. The BJP sees the assembly elections as a matter of prestige and is working hard to secure the support of these communities.
Prime Minister Modi will arrive at Begumpet airport through a special flight from Delhi at 4.45 pm. From there, he will travel to the parade grounds by road and participate in the public meeting from 5 to 5.40 pm. Afterward, he will depart from Begumpet airport at 6 pm to return to Delhi. In addition to this, Modi has also scheduled another campaign event in Nirmal on the 26th of this month. He will also attend an assembly organized by the state party in Hyderabad at the end of the election campaign.