Prime Minister Narendra Modi spoke at a public meeting in Rajampet, accusing the YSRCP of corruption and mismanagement under Chief Minister YS Jagan Mohan Reddy. He claimed that the YSRCP government had not met the expectations of the people of Andhra Pradesh, leading to increased criminal activities.
Modi criticized the YSRCP for neglecting the needs of ordinary citizens, citing the Annamayya dam breach as an example of their negligence. He promised that the NDA would end what he called “goonda raj” and restore law and order in the state.
The Prime Minister also mentioned the YSRCP’s lack of cooperation with the Central government’s Jal Jeevan Mission, which aims to provide clean water to every household. He pledged to complete irrigation projects in Rayalaseema and provide better support to farmers.
Modi urged the people of Andhra Pradesh to vote for the NDA in the upcoming elections, promising a focus on development and addressing the state’s pressing needs.