Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi visited Hiroshima, Japan as part of his three-nation tour. He interacted with the Indian diaspora who were waiting outside the hotel where he was staying. Many people held Indian flags and chanted slogans as he arrived. PM Modi shook hands with children, talked to people, and took selfies with Indians who had gathered to meet him. He also signed a few autographs.
PM Modi is attending the annual summit of G7 and third in-person Quad leaders’ meet, along with bilateral talks. This is the first leg of his three-nation trip to Japan, Papua New Guinea, and Australia. He is expected to take part in over 40 engagements during this trip.
In Japan, PM Modi will attend the G7 summit and is likely to voice his opinions on global challenges including food, fertiliser, and energy security. From Hiroshima, he will travel to Papua New Guinea where he will host the third summit of FIPIC on May 22. In the final leg of the trip, PM Modi will visit Australia where he is set to hold talks with his counterpart Anthony Albanese.
PM Modi’s visit was received by senior Japanese and Indian officials at the airport. In his departure statement, he said he was looking forward to exchanging views with the G7 countries and other invited partners on challenges that the world faces and the need to collectively address them.