Prime Minister Narendra Modi thanked the people of Telangana for their support in the state assembly election results. He expressed his gratitude on social media platform X and said that the support for the BJP has been increasing over the years and will continue to do so. Modi also mentioned that the bond with Telangana is strong and that they will continue working for the people. He appreciated the efforts of BJP workers in Telangana.
Union Minister Amit Shah also thanked the people of Telangana for their support and mentioned that under PM Modi’s leadership, the BJP will work towards the development of the state. He expressed his gratitude to the BJP workers and the State President G Kishan Reddy for their tireless efforts.
BJP chief JP Nadda humbly accepted the mandate in Telangana and thanked the people for having faith in their vision. He also thanked the BJP workers for their constant efforts and said that under PM Modi’s leadership, the BJP will work with even more determination for the betterment of Telangana and its people.