Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi expressed his disappointment with the government of Telangana for its lack of cooperation in implementing the Centre’s projects. During a virtual interaction with the state’s Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) unit, Modi said that the Telangana government should have worked in tandem with the Centre to ensure that its schemes and programmes were implemented successfully. The Prime Minister’s comments come amid reports of friction between the Telangana government and the Centre over various issues, including the implementation of the Ayushman Bharat scheme, the Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana, and the Jal Jeevan Mission.
Modi urged the Telangana government to work towards fulfilling the aspirations of the people of the state and to ensure that they benefit from the Centre’s schemes and programmes. He emphasized that the Centre’s initiatives were aimed at improving the lives of people across the country, including those in Telangana, and that the state government had a responsibility to ensure their successful implementation. Modi also called upon the BJP unit in Telangana to work towards strengthening the party’s presence in the state and to actively engage with people at the grassroots level.
The Prime Minister’s comments are likely to further strain the already tense relationship between the Telangana government and the Centre. The state’s ruling Telangana Rashtra Samithi (TRS) has been at loggerheads with the BJP-led Central government on various issues, including the Citizenship Amendment Act, National Register of Citizens, and farm laws. The TRS has accused the Centre of trying to undermine the autonomy of states and has demanded greater powers for state governments. The BJP, on the other hand, has accused the TRS of obstructing the implementation of Central schemes and programmes in Telangana.
In conclusion, PM Modi’s disappointment with Telangana government’s lack of cooperation in Centre’s projects highlights the need for better coordination between the Centre and state governments. The success of the Centre’s schemes and programmes depends on the active participation of state governments, and it is essential for them to work together towards achieving common goals. The BJP’s efforts to strengthen its presence in Telangana and engage with people at the grassroots level could help bridge the gap between the Centre and the state government and pave the way for greater cooperation in the future.