Khammam: Additional Collector D Madhusudhan Naik has asked officials to carefully plan the purchase of cotton crops at the government support price. During a review meeting at the Collectorate on Saturday, officials shared their action plan for buying cotton during the 2024-25 monsoon season.
Naik mentioned that cotton has been sown on 1,99,700 acres in Khammam district, and it is expected to produce around 1,79,730 metric tons of cotton. To support the farmers, five Cotton Corporation of India (CCI) centres and 10 ginning mill purchase centres are being set up in the district. These centres will help ensure farmers get the right price for their cotton.
Naik also instructed officials to provide proper facilities at the cotton buying centres. This includes drinking water, toilets, and necessary equipment. He confirmed that the support price for long-grain cotton will be ₹7,521 per quintal, while medium-grain cotton will be priced at ₹7,121 per quintal.
Farmers were advised to ensure that the moisture content of their cotton is between 8% and 12% before bringing it to the purchase centres. Naik emphasized that this information should be shared widely through leaflets and media to help farmers prepare properly.
He also stressed the importance of officials from different departments coordinating their work to ensure farmers receive the correct price without any issues.
Several officials, including District Marketing Officer MA Aleem, District Agriculture Officer D Pullaiah, and Legal Metrology Officer S Vijaya Babu, attended the meeting.