Home Minister Mohammed Mahmood Ali inaugurated a photo exhibition on the FIFA World Cup 2022 in Doha, Qatar. The event took place at the Jubilee Hills International Centre. The exhibition showcased 100 pictures of the football extravaganza, taken by Snaps India’s CEO Mohd Shamsuddin. Shamsuddin was the only FIFA accredited photojournalist from Telangana and Andhra Pradesh at the sports event. Internationally-acclaimed photojournalist T Srinivas Reddy curated the exhibition, which took place in Vijayawada.
During the inauguration, Mahmood Ali praised Shamsuddin for his efforts in promoting sports. The CEO of Snaps India launched Academia Sports Village, a venture that will soon have its own tennis courts and football ground in Aziznagar on the outskirts of Hyderabad. Mahmood Ali also praised M.A. Rahim, the founder of Snaps India, for pioneering photojournalism in undivided Andhra Pradesh.
The exhibition was attended by several dignitaries who spoke highly of Snaps India and Academia Sports Village’s contributions to photography and sports. Among them were British Deputy High Commissioner Gareth Wynn Owen, Honorary Consul of Bulgaria Lion Dr. Y Kiron, director of State Gallery of Art Dr K Lakshmi, and P V Prabhakar Rao, son of former Prime Minister P V Narasimha Rao.
Shamsuddin addressed the gathering and promised to continue his mission to make sports accessible to everyone.