The Telangana High Court’s Chief Justice bench addressed a Public Interest Litigation (PIL) filed by G Niranjan, a senior TPCC vice-president, seeking a CBI/SFIO probe into the sinking of some Medigadda barrage piers. The State government has taken action by sending letters to the National Dam Safety Authority and appointing a committee to investigate the issue.
During the hearing, Chief Justice Alok Aradhe questioned the petitioner’s counsel about their actions since 2016 when the construction of the Kaleshwaram irrigation project began. The government has ordered a Vigilance and Enforcement inquiry into the sinking of the barrage piers, leading to the termination of an Engineer-in-Chief and resignation of another officer.
The government has also requested an inquiry from the National Dam Safety Authority and formed a committee to investigate the sinking of three barrage piers. The authorities have recommended measures to repair the piers and are considering a judicial inquiry into the issue.
The bench heard the PIL filed by Niranjan and another similar plea by advocate B Rammohan Reddy. The hearing was adjourned for two weeks, with directions for the petitioner to involve the Central Water Commission in the case.