Former Chief Minister and Telugu Desam Party president Nara Chandrababu Naidu has filed a motion petition in the Andhra Pradesh High Court. He is requesting the court to speed up the hearing on his bail petition in the skill development scam case.
Naidu’s lawyer informed the court that the former CM, who is currently in Rajamahendravaram Central Prison, underwent cataract surgery on his left eye three months ago. He now needs surgery on his right eye as soon as possible.
The lawyer also asked the court to arrange a thorough health check-up for Naidu. The request is based on reports from the Jail authorities and a team of doctors who recently visited Naidu in prison.
Previously, the Andhra Pradesh Court had transferred Naidu’s interim bail petition to the vacation bench due to the Dasara holidays. However, no specific date has been set for the hearing yet.