Action is being taken on religious sites that have hindered the development efforts of the capital city. After demolishing a tomb in Bhajanpura and a Hanuman temple, plans are now being made to demolish two more mosques in Delhi. The Northern Railway has issued notifications to remove illegal encroachments along the railway track, including temples, mosques, and other structures. The Bengali Market Masjid and Takia Babbar Shah Masjid have received these notifications.
According to Deepak Kumar, the chief spokesperson of the railway, illegal encroachments on railway land must be removed. The Northern Railway has given a notice to vacate the site within 15 days. This notice applies to all encroachers, regardless of whether they are mosques, temples, or any other structures. If the encroachments are not removed within the given timeframe, the Railways will take action to remove them. The railway has made it clear that it will not be responsible for any losses incurred by those who fail to comply with the notice.