Special prayers for rain were held at Shiva Temple in Kakukuntla mandal of Devarkadra constituency. Devotees gathered at the temple early in the morning and chanted ‘Shiva nama smarana’. The people of Kakukuntla brought 5 pots of water from each house to the temple and performed Abhishekam to the Shiva Linga.
The vice MPP of Kakukuntla mandal, Tumma Sujata Shekhar Reddy, expressed concern about the lack of rain in the past 30 days. Farmers and the general public are worried about their rainfed crops. They gathered at the temple to seek the blessings of the rain god and offered special prayers to lord Shiva through jaladibhandana abhishekam. They prayed for the release of Ganga, the rain goddess, to protect the people facing crop failure in the district.
The abhishekam was attended by Deputy sarpanch Neeli Narsimhulu, former MPP Gopal Shekhar Reddy, Kishan Rao, Gandla Srikanth, members of the temple committee, women, and children.