The Pedda Hanuman Jayanthi celebration at Sri Anjaneya Swamy Devasthanam in Kondagattu was held on Vaisakh Bahula Dashami with great enthusiasm. The temple priests started the day with Thirumanjanam at 3 am, decorating the deity with sandalwood and performing various rituals like abhishekam and archana.
In the yagashala, Vedic scholars and priests conducted the Yajna ritual and adorned the ceremonial idol of Swami with silk clothes. The day continued with ‘Ooyala’ seva, bringing the Utsava idols to the temple, offering Mantra Pushpam and Mahanivedana, and distributing theertha prasadam to devotees. Aradhana was performed in the evening.
Over two lakh initiates and devotees came to Kondagattu on foot from different parts of the state to celebrate Hanuman’s Pedda Jayanthi. The temple authorities had set up cellars for initiation ceremonies, which were filled with devotees along with queue lines. The three vehicle parking spaces from JNTU to Bojja Pothana and under Gutta were also full of vehicles by Friday night as devotees arrived in large numbers.