Pawan Kalyan, the founder of the Jana Sena Party (JSP), met with JP Nadda, the national president of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), on Sunday to discuss the ongoing political situation in Andhra Pradesh. During the meeting, Kalyan affirmed that there is a shared agenda between the two parties, and that they will work together to bring about change in the state.
The meeting between Kalyan and Nadda comes at a time when the political landscape in Andhra Pradesh is shifting rapidly. The ruling YSR Congress Party (YSRCP) has been facing criticism over its handling of the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as allegations of corruption and nepotism. Meanwhile, the BJP has been making inroads in the state, with several high-profile defections from other parties.
Kalyan, who has been a vocal critic of both the YSRCP and the Telugu Desam Party (TDP), has been positioning himself as a potential kingmaker in the upcoming state elections. His party has been advocating for a range of issues, including farmers’ rights, job creation, and social justice. With the BJP also focusing on these issues, it seems that there is a natural alignment between the two parties.
Overall, the meeting between Kalyan and Nadda is a significant development in Andhra Pradesh politics. It signals that the BJP is serious about expanding its presence in the state, and that it sees Kalyan and the JSP as valuable allies. It remains to be seen how this alliance will play out in the coming months, but it is clear that both parties are committed to bringing about change in Andhra Pradesh.