Union Minister Parshottam Rupala said that India will not import dairy products like butter, and instead will improve supplies using the large domestic sector. This statement comes after a ministry official said last week that stocks of dairy products, especially butter and ghee, were lower than the previous year and the country may need to import. The official also said that milk production is estimated to be static in 2022-23 due to lumpy skin disease in cattle and rebound in post-Covid-19 demand.
Rupala dismissed the idea of importing dairy products and said there is no truth in the shortage of dairy products. He stated that there is no shortage of milk in India, and the government is regularly monitoring the situation. Rupala believes that the demand for dairy has increased, and there is a huge untapped area that can be utilized to meet the demand. He urged farmers and consumers not to worry about the situation.
Rupala made these statements on Friday at the launch of two animal health initiatives in New Delhi.