In Adilabad, preparations for the upcoming 10th-Class examinations starting on March 18 are in full swing. Educational authorities have started private classes in both morning and evening to aim for a perfect 100 percent success rate. Parents are concerned about the lack of personality development classes in the curriculum, which they believe could help students deal with stress and anxiety better.
This year, around 10,000 students in Adilabad district will be taking the exams. Parents are worried about the exam-related fears and stress among students and feel that guidance from personality development experts, medical professionals, and mentors is essential for boosting students’ confidence. In the district, there are a total of 132 government schools, including local bodies and Kasturiba schools, as well as 68 private schools. Private classes are currently running from 8 am to 9:45 am and again from 4:45 pm to 5:30 pm to ensure a high success rate.