TPCC President A Revanth Reddy has accused Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao of not doing enough for Palamuru district in Telangana. Despite the government’s claims of development, Revanth claims that migrations from the district are still happening. He also pointed out that only one pumpset has been completed for the Palamuru Rangareddy lift irrigation scheme, while the construction of the remaining 31 pumpsets is still pending.
Revanth criticized KCR for neglecting Palamuru for the past nine years and highlighted Congress’s focus on the development of the old Mahbubnagar district. He expressed confidence that Congress will win the next assembly elections and announced that senior national leaders like Sonia Gandhi, Rahul Gandhi, Priyanka Gandhi, AICC Chief Mallikarjuna Kharge, and others will be attending the CWC meeting and a public meeting on Telangana Liberation Day in Hyderabad.
In a separate event, Revanth and AICC leader Manikrao Thakre conducted a “Bhumi Puja” at BijayaBheri Sabha in Tukkuguda, Greater Hyderabad.