Deputy Speaker and Secunderabad candidate, Theegulla Padmarao Goud, inaugurated the election office of BRS Tarnaka Division in Lalapeta. He praised the efforts of the activists and believes they have contributed to a successful campaign. Goud mentioned that their focus on welfare programs and development works will help them secure an easy victory and increase their majority.
Goud shared plans to improve healthcare facilities by upgrading the Sitaphalamandi Government Kutti Vellodi Hospital to a 100-bed capacity. He mentioned that the construction of new buildings for the hospital will require funds amounting to 11.75 crores. He also mentioned the establishment of Basti Dawakhanas in various areas of the Secunderabad constituency.
Additionally, Goud explained that the construction of new buildings for two hospitals in Lalapet and Addagutta areas, costing 41 crores, is set to commence. He also highlighted the ongoing construction of function halls in Lalapet and Addagutta. Goud credited the BRS government with the development of a swimming pool in Lalapet. The event was attended by Deputy Mayor Mothe Srilata Shobhan Reddy, corporators, leaders, and activists.