Unseasonal rain hit Nalgonda district on Friday night. District Collector T Vinay Krishna Reddy and Additional Collector Bhaskar Rao visited paddy purchasing centers to check their condition. They urged farmers not to lose hope and assured them that the district administration will take measures to buy their grains. The Collector inspected the IKP paddy purchase center at Kanchanapalli village and interacted with farmers.
Other officials like the DRO, DSO, DCO, DM Civil Supplies, and RDOs also visited various procurement centers in the district. Tahsildars are monitoring these centers to ensure a smooth purchase process. The untimely rains soaked some paddy here and there, but the purchase process is being constantly monitored from buying grains to sending it to the mills.
Yasangi paddy procurement started in the district on April 11. So far, 1,27,000 metric tons of grain has been purchased in the state. There are 272 procurement centers in the district, and 78,392 metric tons of grain has been purchased from 9,380 farmers. A meeting was arranged with millers and transport contractors to cooperate in grain purchase due to unseasonal rains.
Farmers and procurement center organizers must be alert due to rains and take precautions to ensure grain safety. On average, 10 to 12 thousand metric tons of grains are being purchased from farmers through the centers every day.