BJP MP candidate Madhavilatha from Hyderabad has questioned why Asaduddin Owaisi visited the family members of Mukhtar Ansari in Uttar Pradesh but not those in Hyderabad who have lost loved ones. Owaisi recently made comments suggesting he has received life threats if he visits the bereaved family members of former MP and gangster Mukhtar Ansari in Uttar Pradesh. He warned that if anything happens to him, there will be severe consequences.
Madhavilatha criticized Owaisi for visiting the family of someone who committed six murders, while neglecting families in Hyderabad. She mocked Owaisi for being afraid of threats on social media.
The Lok Sabha elections in Telangana are scheduled for May 13. BJP has focused on the Hyderabad MP seat, with Dr. Madhavilatha as their candidate. She is working to increase her influence in the old city of Hyderabad by attending various Iftar dinners.