In Bhadradri Kothagudem District, the police targeted 70 booby traps set by banned CPI-Maoists in the forest area of Poosuguppa. These traps were meant to kill policemen in the border areas of Telangana and Chhattisgarh. The Bhadradri Kothagudem Special Party, Chhattisgarh Police, and CRPF Police worked together to remove 4396 sharp iron rods from these traps.
The Additional SP Operations and ASP of Bhadrachalam expressed concern over the Maoists’ actions, which are endangering the lives of tribal people in the border areas. They urged the tribal communities to stay vigilant as they are targeted by Maoists. Recently, a man from a village in Mulugu district died due to a fire pit explosion set up by Maoists, highlighting the dangers faced by tribal people living in these areas.
The District SP, under IPS Rohit Raju’s leadership, assured that the police will prioritize the welfare and development of tribal people in the border areas of Telangana and Chhattisgarh.