The TSICET-2024 online registration will start on March 7, as announced by the Telangana State Council of Higher Education (TSCHE). The exam is for admissions into MBA/MCA courses for the academic year 2024–25 and will be conducted by Kakatiya University, Warangal.
Kakatiya University will oversee the TSICET-2024 examination online, with about 20 Online Test Zones identified in Telangana State (16) and Andhra Pradesh (04) for exams on June 4 and 5. Eligible candidates must apply online from March 7 to April 30, paying an application fee of Rs 750 (Rs 550 for SC/ST/PH) at TS Online /AP Online/ through Payment Gateway.
For more information on eligibility, syllabus, model paper, instructions, application procedure, exam centers, and mock tests, visit the official website