Telangana Chief Minister K Chandrashekar Rao signed six files on his first day in his new office at the Dr BR Ambedkar Secretariat. Other ministers also signed files related to their departments. The first file signed by the CM was about implementing the Dalit Bandhu scheme for 2023-24. The government will select 1,100 beneficiaries in 118 Assembly constituencies in the State, besides Huzurabad.
Municipal Administration Minister KT Rama Rao signed guidelines for distributing Double Bedroom Houses. Finance and Health Minister T Harish Rao signed a file to recruit 1,827 staff nurses in teaching hospitals. Home Minister Md Mahmood Ali cleared a new police station. Endowments Minister A Indrakaran Reddy extended the Dhoopa Deepa Naivedyam Scheme to temples in Hyderabad city. Roads and Buildings Minister Vemula Prashanth Reddy revamped the department and created three Chief Engineer offices, 10 circles, 13 divisions, 79 sub-divisions, and 124 sections in the department.
Education Minister P Sabita Indra Reddy released Rs 34.25 crore for distributing tablets to 19,800 teachers and creating library corners in 5,000 primary schools. Labour Minister Ch Malla Reddy signed a file for May Day and Shram Shakti Awards. Civil Supplies Minister Gangula Kamalakar agreed to supply super fine rice to Anganwadi centers. Social Welfare Minister Koppula Eshwar signed for the second phase of the Dalit Bandhu scheme. Agriculture Minister S Niranjan Reddy signed a file related to constructing Check Dams. Panchayat Raj Minister Errabelli Dayakar Rao signed a file for constructing buildings for new mandals. Tribal Affairs Minister Satyavathi Rathod agreed to provide free milk to children aged between one and three years at Anganwadi centers. Animal Husbandry Minister Talasani Srinivas Yadav signed for distributing free fishlings. Energy Minister G Jagadish Reddy released Rs 958.33 crore to Discoms as payment for free power in May.