Former city BJP president Bethi Mahender Reddy has revealed that action will be taken against officials who misused funds from the Beti Bachao Beti Padao scheme. Reddy filed a complaint with the Prime Minister’s Office in Delhi, stating that officials had stolen funds intended for the scheme, which was created by Prime Minister Modi to support the future of girl children.
On July 26, Reddy filed a complaint with the PMO office. On August 10, the Central Women and Child Welfare Department directed the Telangana State Women and Child Welfare Department to investigate the matter and submit a report.
The Central government had allocated Rs. 93.70 lakh and Rs. 71.14 lakh for the years 2018-19 and 2019-20 respectively to Karimnagar district for creating awareness about Beti Bachao Beti Padao. However, the District Welfare Officer and District Child Protection Officer falsely claimed that the money had been spent.
The district welfare officer sent a report to the State Women and Child Welfare Department requesting action to be taken to recover the misappropriated funds. The District Collector issued show cause notices to the officials involved in May 2021, but no action has been taken against them.
Reddy demanded that criminal cases be filed against the officials mentioned in the report, in accordance with the orders of the Central Women and Child Development Department.
During a press conference, Reddy was joined by other BJP leaders to address this issue.