Minister for Health Harish Rao, along with Aler MLA Gongidi Sunitha and other officials, held a meeting in Hyderabad to discuss the establishment of a medical college in Yadagirigutta. The meeting was held to speed up the process of setting up the college in Yadadri district. Other attendees included Principal Secretary for Rizvi, District Collector Pamela Satpathy, Director of Medical Education Ramesh Reddy, R&B Chief Engineer Ganapathi Reddy, and YTDA Vice Chairman Kishan Rao.
During the meeting, it was decided that the college would be built on a 20-acre land close to the Yadadri Laxmi Narasimha temple. This location was chosen to make it easily accessible for devotees. The college will be named Sri Lakshmi Narasimha Swamy Medical College, reflecting its sacred surroundings.
The final decision on the site selection will be made by Chief Minister KCR, highlighting the government’s support and the importance of the project. The minister instructed officials to prepare for the foundation stone-laying ceremony, which will take place after the Chief Minister’s decision.