In Hyderabad, the BJP, TDP, and JSP have announced they will work together for the upcoming elections in Andhra Pradesh. The leaders praised Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s leadership in a joint statement on Saturday, aiming to fulfill the aspirations of the people.
The BJP and TDP have a long history of working together since 1996. They successfully collaborated during the terms of former Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee and current Prime Minister Narendra Modi. In the 2014 elections, they contested jointly.
The Jana Sena Party also supported the BJP-TDP alliance in the 2014 elections. The parties are now continuing their collaboration spirit for the upcoming elections in Andhra Pradesh.
The details of how the BJP, TDP, and Jana Sena will share seats are expected to be finalized soon. The alliance is hopeful that the people of Andhra Pradesh will support their shared vision for progress and prosperity in the State.