Another woman has decided to challenge Asaduddin Owaisi, the president of the All-India Majlis-e-Ittehadul Muslimeen (AIMIM), for the Hyderabad Lok Sabha seat in the upcoming elections. Nowhera Shaik, founder-president of the All-India Mahila Empowerment Party (AIMEP), is the latest candidate to join the race against the sitting MP. She joins Madhavilata Kompella from the BJP as another woman candidate challenging Owaisi.
Shaik shared her plans for transforming Hyderabad at a recent press conference. She highlighted the city’s various challenges, including healthcare, unemployment, and infrastructure issues. These challenges have motivated her to enter politics and focus on addressing the needs of Hyderabad residents.
Shaik emphasized her commitment to economic development and job creation in Hyderabad. She mentioned that many residents have expressed their dissatisfaction with the current leadership under Owaisi and believe that the city has not progressed as it should have. They are seeking new leadership and fresh perspectives for the city’s future.