In the elections, A Revanth Reddy, Mallu Bhatti Vikramarka, N Uttam Kumar Reddy, Komatireddy Venkat Reddy, and Komatireddy Rajagopal Reddy won with a big lead of more than 30,000 votes. Revanth Reddy defeated P Narender Reddy to win the election in Kodangal. Congress performed well in old Khammam, old Nalgonda, and old Mahbubnagar districts, winning a majority of the seats. The BRS party, on the other hand, saw six ministers and several senior leaders losing the election, including Laxma Reddy, Padma Devendar Reddy, Koneru Konappa, and Jaipal Yadav. Although K Chandrasekhar Rao won from Gajwel, he lost to the BJP in Kamareddy. KTR and T Harish Rao from the BRS party won but with a smaller majority compared to the previous election. The BRS party has been dominant in Telangana politics since 2014 and also had a strong presence in undivided Andhra Pradesh. Initially, the BJP was seen as the main opposition to the BRS party, but the Congress gained momentum after the Karnataka elections. Allegations of an understanding between the BRS and BJP weakened the BJP’s position.
Notable Victors Emerge from Historic Political Party
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