On Wednesday, Chief Minister Nitish Kumar of Bihar addressed recent communal disturbances in the state and rejected accusations of administrative negligence. He also criticized Union Home Minister Amit Shah and the BJP, promising to expose those responsible for orchestrating the riots. During a function celebrating the birth anniversary of former deputy prime minister and dalit stalwart Babu Jagjeevan Ram, Kumar responded to journalists’ questions and condemned AIMIM chief Asaduddin Owaisi, calling him an “agent” of the BJP. These comments come after West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee claimed that the BJP was sending in goons to create riots in her state. Kumar taunted Shah over his recent remark at a rally in Nawada district, where he stated that “rioters will be hung upside down if BJP comes to power in Bihar.” Kumar reminded Shah of the 2018 riots during Ram Navami, which resulted in the arrest of Arijit Shashwat, the son of Union minister Ashwini Kumar Choubey and a key accused in the case.
Nitish alleges that riots were orchestrated.
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