Telangana Agriculture Minister S Niranjan Reddy announced that the Telangana government has deposited Rs 72,815 crore in the bank accounts of farmers in 11 instalments. He criticized the comments of Congress leaders who called the government schemes for farmers ‘bhiksha’ (begging). Reddy highlighted that international organizations have praised the RythuBandhu and Rythu Bhima schemes as the best in the world. He also mentioned that under the RythuBeema scheme, 1,11,320 farmer families have received Rs 5,566 crore. The minister emphasized that there are no similar schemes in Congress-ruled states.
Reddy further stated that since the formation of Telangana, the government has procured 722.92 lakh metric tonnes of food grains worth Rs.1.33 lakh crore. Additionally, other crops were procured with a value of Rs 11,439.06 crores. The government has also spent Rs 5,349 crores through Mission Kakatiya to rejuvenate ponds, benefiting 15.05 lakh acres of land with a water capacity of 8.93 TMCs. Loan waivers amounting to Rs 16,144 crore have been provided to 33.31 lakh farmers. Furthermore, the government has established 11 new colleges, including five Agriculture and one Horticulture Colleges, and four horticulture Polytechnics since the formation of Telangana State.