The Southwest Monsoon has brought heavy rains and strong winds to the Telugu states. In Hyderabad, areas like Serilingampally, Chandanagar, Miyapur, Madapur, Gachibowli, and Rayadurgam experienced heavy downpours, leading to water overflowing on the roads and causing traffic congestion.
Allurizilla Agency also saw heavy rainfall. The Meteorological Center has issued a warning for potential heavy rains, thunderstorms, and lightning in several districts of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh, with gusty winds expected to reach speeds of 30 to 40 kilometers per hour.
A surface circulation over the southwest Bay of Bengal region is influencing south Andhra Pradesh. The Southwest Monsoon is forecasted to reach parts of Karnataka, Telangana, and coastal Andhra Pradesh in the coming days.
The Meteorological Center predicts that the monsoon will expand to more areas, bringing heavy rains to multiple districts. Currently, the Southwest Monsoon is passing over Narayanapet in Telangana and Narasapuram in Andhra Pradesh, leading to heavy rainfall across the region in the next few days.