The Telangana police celebrated the New Year with a special event organized by the IPS Officers’ Association at the Police Mess in Hyderabad. The Director-General of Police, Ravi Gupta, cut the cake and addressed the officers present. He praised the Telangana police for being a role model for the country and emphasized their commitment to ensuring the safety of the people of the state.
Gupta greeted all the officers and wished them a happy and prosperous New Year. He highlighted the collective achievements of the State police and acknowledged their outstanding work as a team. He mentioned the successful conduct of elections, Bonalu, and Dasara in 2023 without any incidents and urged the officers to continue their vigilant efforts in 2024. Gupta specifically emphasized the importance of addressing cybercrime, drug peddling, and women’s safety. He also stressed the need for closer interaction between the police and rural communities.
Gupta emphasized the use of technology to enhance transparency and democracy in policing. He reiterated that the safety of the people is their top priority and pledged to work with dedication in the new year. He expressed his desire for Telangana Police to maintain its reputation as the best police force in the country.
The event was attended by dignitaries including Anjani Kumar, Chairman of the Road Safety Authority, Jithender, Home Secretary, and B Shivadhar Reddy, Intelligence Chief.