The Lake View guest house in Hyderabad might become the Chief Minister’s camp office soon. Officials have suggested to Chief Minister A Revanth Reddy to use the guest house as his camp office because of traffic problems in the city that make it difficult to reach the Secretariat from his home in Jubilee Hills.
The government has decided to take over the Lake View Guest House after 10 years of joint use by Andhra Pradesh and Telangana. The Chief Minister has instructed officials to start developing the guest house for official purposes.
The Chief Minister has been facing challenges commuting from his residence to the Secretariat during working hours due to heavy traffic. The guest house is conveniently located near the Secretariat in the VIP zone, where other government guest houses are also situated.
Despite political reasons, the Chief Minister has chosen to stay at his own house rather than moving to Pragati Bhavan. While there were plans to build a camp office at the MCRHRD premises, no official decision has been made yet. Once the government takes over the Lake View Guest House, the Chief Minister will assess the facilities and determine whether to convert it into his camp office.