Independence Day celebrations were held in Cyberabad Police Commissionerate on Tuesday. The Cyberabad police commissioner, Stephen Raveendra, unfurled the national flag to honor the freedom fighters. During the event, the commissioner wished all the staff and people a happy Independence Day.
Commissioner Raveendra highlighted the importance of the sacrifices made by great men that have allowed us to live in freedom and independence today. He emphasized the need to continuously draw inspiration from these sacrifices and work towards progress.
The commissioner also stressed the role of the police in maintaining law and order, national integrity, and public service. He urged police officers to strive for racial harmony and peace in society, contributing to the creation of a better society.
Raveendra commended the Cyberabad policemen for their efforts in providing peace and order to the people and delivering better services. The event was attended by several high-ranking police officials, including Cyberabad Additional CP Admin Avinash Mahanty, IPS, Cyberabad Traffic Joint CP Narayan Naik, IPS, DCP Admin Yogesh Gautam, IPS, DCP Traffic Harshavardhan, IPS, Cyber Crime DCP Ritiraj, IPS, Women & Child Safety Wing DCP Nithika Pant, IPS, as well as other police personnel and ministerial staff.