Narsapuram MP Bhupathiraju Srinivasa Varma, a senior BJP leader from coastal Andhra Pradesh, will become a part of the union cabinet on Sunday. He is 56 years old, married to Venkateswaramma, and was previously associated with AISF before joining the BJP.
Born in Bhimavaram to Suryanarayana Raju and Seeta, Bhupathi Raju Srinivasa Varma has been with the BJP for over three decades. He was chosen over Raghu Rama Krishna Raju for this cabinet position.
Initially, the BJP considered Shyamala Devi, the wife of former Narsapuram MP U.Krishnam Raju, as a potential candidate from Narsapuram. There were hopes of actor Prabhas supporting the saffron party during campaigning in the state.