Congress Senior Leader from Hyderabad, Kanduva Kappi Narottam, has shocked the party by joining the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) in Telangana. Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao, who is leading the state in terms of development and welfare programs, attracted Narottam to the BJP on Thursday. Chief Minister KCR invited Narottam to join the BJP and offered him a pink party scarf. Narottam, who was previously associated with the Telangana Rashtra Samithi (TRS) twice, has now switched sides to the TDP.
The people of the state have been demanding Chief Minister KCR’s leadership be replaced, and Narottam expressed his desire to join the BJP to fight for the rights of the employees in Hyderabad. He stated that he sees Telangana as an ideal state under Chief Minister KCR’s leadership. Narottam said that joining the BJP brings him satisfaction. He also mentioned that he joined the party with the guidance of Chief Minister KCR for the progress and welfare of Hyderabad.
During this event, Finance and Health Minister Harish Rao was present. The event showcased Narottam joining the BJP for the development and welfare of Hyderabad. The presence of Harish Rao, who is a key figure in guiding the party, indicates his support for the program.