Prime Minister Narendra Modi is set to give a speech at the B20 Summit India 2023 on Sunday. He also addressed the G20 Culture Ministers’ Meeting via video message on Saturday. In a post on X (formerly Twitter), PM Modi announced that he would be speaking at the B20 Summit India 2023 at 12 noon on August 27th. He emphasized the importance of the B20 as a key group within the G20, focused on improving economic growth.
The B20 Summit India, recognized as the official G20 forum for engaging with the global business community, has organized this Summit with the theme “B20 India R.A.I.S.E,” representing Responsible, Accelerated, Innovative, Sustainable, and Equitable Businesses. It brings together policymakers, business leaders, and experts from around the world to discuss and deliberate on the B20 India Communique.
The B20 India Communique includes 54 recommendations and 172 policy actions to be submitted to the G20. This three-day summit, held from August 25th to 27th, has participants from approximately 55 countries and over 1,500 delegates. The summit focuses on fostering Responsible, Accelerated, Innovative, Sustainable, and Equitable Businesses.