Nara Lokesh, the general secretary of the TDP, appeared before the Andhra Pradesh CID for questioning in the Amaravati Inner Ring Road alignment case. The CID will continue questioning Lokesh on Wednesday at 10 am.
Lokesh arrived at the office at 10 am on Tuesday and the questioning lasted for about seven hours with a lunch break. The CID is investigating Lokesh’s role in changing the alignment of the Inner Ring Road to benefit certain individuals. They also questioned him about his involvement in acquiring lands for the Heritage Foods dairy company.
During the questioning, Lokesh answered 50 questions, with only one related to the Inner Ring Road case. He expressed frustration, suggesting that they could have just searched Google for the answers.
Lokesh accused the YS Jagan Mohan Reddy Government of pursuing a witch hunt to keep his father and himself away from the people. Despite the persecution, Lokesh stated that the party would face the upcoming elections with confidence.
He also mentioned that in 2019, there were no cases against him, but now the Government has slapped 23 cases on him. There were even threats to arrest his mother and wife.
Lokesh requested that the CID team finish the questioning on Tuesday, but they insisted on his appearance again on Wednesday.