The Telugu Desam Party (TDP) has announced a two-month long ‘Jayaho BC’ campaign starting from January 4, 2024. The campaign aims to address the injustice faced by the Backward Classes (BC) during the rule of the YSR Congress Party (YSRCP). TDP general secretary Nara Lokesh made this announcement during a press conference in Mangalagiri.
During this campaign, TDP leaders will visit different constituencies in the state to understand the challenges faced by the BCs. A State-level public meeting will be held, followed by the release of a special manifesto for the BCs by TDP president N Chandrababu Naidu.
Lokesh criticized the YSRCP Government for reducing the reservation for BCs in local bodies to 10 percent. This resulted in around 16,000 BC candidates losing the opportunity to contest in elections. The Government also took back 8,000 acres of assigned lands belonging to BCs and scrapped the Adharana scheme, which provided work equipment.
Lokesh further pointed out that although the YSRCP Government established 56 BC corporations, no funds have been allocated to them. The chairpersons of these corporations are not receiving their salaries. Additionally, the Government’s policies, such as GO 217, have negatively impacted the fishermen community. The Government has also failed to provide adequate water supply to the farm sector and subsidize loans for BCs.