One of the accused in the Poachgate case, K Nanda Kumar, claims that he was unfairly targeted and made a scapegoat. He is calling on the new Congress government to conduct a thorough investigation and provide him with justice.
Nanda Kumar spoke to the media at his home and expressed his disappointment that he was implicated in the case simply for being friendly with politicians from different parties. He urged the State government to thoroughly investigate the cases he is involved in and ensure that justice is served.
According to Nanda Kumar, Simhayaji Swami was introduced to him by Dasoju Sravan, the BRS leader. As someone who ran a restaurant, he is upset that his name was dragged into this case, causing negative consequences for his family. He mentioned that he has not spoken out earlier because the case is being handled by the Supreme Court, but he intends to provide all the necessary details soon.
Nanda Kumar also claimed that the police, under the BRS government, harassed him and attempted to falsely implicate him in various crimes, including drug trafficking.