An unidentified group of people set fire to the operation theater of a 30-bed government hospital in Nakrekal, Nalgonda district early on Wednesday morning. The incident happened after 2 am when the theater had two oxygen cylinders that could have caused an explosion if the fire had spread. At that time, the maternity and male ward had over 25 patients. Hospital superintendent Dr G Srinathanaidu confirmed that delivery operations had been conducted in the theater until midnight before the fire broke out.
Although the hospital staff quickly responded to the fire and prevented it from spreading, some items were damaged, including the AC machine, boiler operator unit, surgical equipment, and BP apparatus. The estimated property damage is around Rs 2 lakh. The police have started investigating, and a case has been registered. DCHS Dr D Matru, CI Raghavrao, and SI Gopikrishna visited the spot to assess the situation.