Nalgonda MP N Uttam Kumar Reddy has said that he will quit politics if he can’t win the upcoming Assembly polls with a majority of 50,000. He spoke to Congress party workers in Kodad and Huzur Nagar, asking them to work hard to strengthen the party as the elections approach. He suggested creating a committee with ten people in each booth, appointing social media teams, and completing all village, mandal and subsidiary committees. Uttam also accused the ruling party of corruption, including taking commissions in the sand, land, wines and mines business.
Uttam condemned false propaganda against him and his wife Padmavati on social media platforms. Padmavati thanked the Congress workers and people in Kodad and Huzur Nagar for their support and dedication. She asked party workers to intensify their campaign for the upcoming elections by forming party committees and social media WhatsApp groups. Participants in the program included TPCC vice-president Niranjan, general secretary Bhanu Prakash Reddy, DCC president Cheviti Venkanna, Women Congress leader Anuradha, Congress leaders of two constituencies, public representatives and activists.