The State government is working on improving infrastructure in the Old City of Hyderabad. The iconic Mahboob Chowk Market, also known as Murgi Chowk, is being demolished to construct a new market in its place. The new design will have an additional floor to create more space and facilities, costing an estimated Rs 36 crore. The demolition work aims to keep the original style of the Chowk intact. The new Murgi Chowk Complex will have a dedicated zone for meat and poultry businesses with purpose-built infrastructure for drainage and waste water treatment.
Traders expressed attachment to the market, which holds many sentimental memories for them. The construction work was delayed due to changes in the market’s design and measures to accommodate a larger number of people. The demolition process and lifting of debris will take two weeks, and temporary arrangements have been made to provide space for traders to continue their businesses beside the Urdu Maskan near Khilwat palace. However, the traders are concerned about the lack of basic facilities, such as proper water supply, in this temporary location.
In addition to the Murgi Chowk project, officials are also working on beautifying the Mir Alam Tank. Several steps are being taken by HMDA, including cleaning the water body, renovating arches, building a 5.5 km walking path, and ensuring safety, economic, and social rejuvenation. On September 1, MA&UD Minister K T Rama Rao will inaugurate the walking path on the occasion of National Integration Day.