A resident of Hyderabad was one of the victims in the shooting on the Mumbai-Jaipur express train. A BSF Jawan killed three passengers on the train and his superior before the incident. Asaduddin Owaisi, the AIMIM chief and Hyderabad MP, identified the fourth victim as Syed Saifullah from Bazaarghat near Nampally. Saifullah leaves behind three daughters, the youngest being only 6 months old. AIMIM Nampally MLA Jaffar Hussain Meraj has been with the family and is working with officials to bring Saifullah’s body back to Hyderabad. Owaisi also requested support from the State government for the bereaved family, specifically asking Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao and Minister K T Rama Rao for help.
Mumbai-Jaipur Express shooting claims life of city resident
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