Mumbai Indians player Akash Madhwal bowled very well in a recent Indian Premier League match, getting five wickets for only five runs against the Lucknow Super Giants. Some people have said that he is replacing Jasprit Bumrah, who is injured. But Madhwal says he is just trying to do his best for the team and doesn’t want to be seen as a replacement. Mumbai Indians captain Rohit Sharma has done a good job leading the team without some of its top bowlers, and they are now in the playoffs. Madhwal explained that he was successful on the Chepauk wicket because he is a swing-cum-seam bowler and he pitched his deliveries in hard lengths aiming for wickets. He praised Rohit for knowing how to use his bowlers effectively.
Mumbai Indians: Akash Madhwal Declines to Serve as Jasprit Bumrah’s Substitute
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