The police in Hyderabad took strict action against several pubs in Jubilee Hills for breaking the rules on New Year’s Eve. The pubs were found to be operating past the allowed time limit and without obtaining prior permission from the police authorities. As a result, cases were registered against them under IPC Section 188, IPC Section 290, and CP Act.
On the other hand, the liquor business did well during the New Year season. Liquor worth Rs.620 crore was distributed to wine shops from the depots two days before New Year’s Eve. Even though it was a holiday on December 31, the liquor depots remained open, allowing another Rs.127 crore worth of liquor to reach the shops.
According to excise statistics, Rs.313 crore worth of liquor was distributed on December 30 and Rs.180 crore on December 29. However, officials in the excise department mentioned that a significant quantity of liquor arrived earlier this month for sale in the newly opened shops, which has led to a slight decrease in recent distribution numbers.