After Mumbai Indians were defeated by Chennai Super Kings at the Wankhede Stadium in IPL 2023, Suryakumar Yadav was seen seeking advice from MS Dhoni. Yadav has been struggling with his form lately, managing just a single run against Chennai Super Kings. Despite a breathtaking 2022 where he reached the top of the world in the shortest format of the game, Yadav has struggled to score runs in the last five matches. However, stalwarts like Ricky Ponting and AB de Villiers have backed him, with Ponting stating that Yadav is the sort of player that can win you a World Cup. De Villiers advised Yadav not to panic and to stick to what has been working for him over the years.
“MS Dhoni’s Coaching Helps Suryakumar Yadav Recover from Poor Form After MI Vs CSK Match in IPL 2023 | Viral Photo Inside”
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