Chennai Super Kings captain MS Dhoni commented on rumors about his retirement after his team beat Gujarat Titans on Tuesday to reach their 10th IPL final. He stated that he has 8-9 months to decide and doesn’t want to take the headache of making a decision now. He added that he will always be there for Chennai, whether as a player or something else.
Dhoni expressed happiness with his team’s performance and said that everyone’s hard work over two months paid off. He acknowledged that the IPL is too big to say it’s just another final, with 10 top teams compared to the previous eight. He praised Gujarat Titans as a fantastic team and noted that they chased very well.
Dhoni highlighted the importance of creating an environment that motivates players and helps them explore their bowling strengths. He also talked about adjusting the field according to the wicket and keeping an eye on him as a captain who shifts fielders frequently.
Dhoni’s comments provide insight into his current thinking about retirement, but he has not made a definite decision yet.