Telangana PCC chief and Congress MP Revanth Reddy has asked the Chief Minister K Chandrashekar Rao to make the services of all Junior Panchayat Secretaries (JPS) permanent after they have completed their probation period. In an open letter to the CM, Revanth accused the State government of treating JPS badly and forcing them to do bonded work. He also said that the State government had ignored their protests and demands. The JPS has been protesting for the last 12 days.
Revanth also criticized the ruling party leaders for ignoring the protests of the JPS. He reminded the CM that the hard work of the panchayat secretaries was behind the Central government awards won by the State government recently. He also questioned whether the harassment of the Panchayat Secretaries was a reward for them.
Revanth also pointed out that around 1500 JPS quit their jobs and 44 died due to various reasons.