MP Rajya Sabha Vaddiraju Ravichandra spoke at a meeting in Khammam, urging voters and leaders from marginalised communities to support BRS candidate Nama Nageswara Rao ahead of the Lok Sabha elections. He emphasized that Nama deserves the backing of all BCs and criticized the Congress party for neglecting BCs by removing K Nagabhushanam from his position as chairman of the DCCB.
During a rally supporting BRS MP candidate Nama Nageswara Rao, Ravichandra highlighted initiatives taken during former Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao’s tenure, such as granting land to 86 BC castes for community centres in Hyderabad. He also criticized Prime Minister Narendra Modi for not establishing a separate BC ministry or considering the demand for a caste census during his time in office.
Ravichandra stressed the importance of electing leaders like Nageswara Rao to protect BC rights. Nageswara Rao sought cooperation from BCs for his re-election campaign and promised to represent their interests in Parliament. MLC Tata Madhusudan, president of BRS district, echoed Ravichandra’s sentiments and urged Yadavs to teach the Congress a lesson for allegedly orchestrating the removal of BC politician Nagabhushan from his DCCB chairman position with the help of three district ministers.